I was fortunate enough to be interviewed by MdLinx on the topic of PCOS throughout the lifespan. This is an article aimed at clinicians, which discusses how PCOS presents at different life stages in women.
“Polycystic ovary syndrome is one of the most common endocrine and reproductive disorders in the United States, with a prevalence ranging between 4% to 12%. Women with PCOS are at elevated risk for other chronic disorders, including diabetes and cardiovascular disease, and therefore, early detection is critical to minimize these risks.
Fiona McCulloch, BSc, RAc, ND, is a board certified naturopathic doctor who has been in practice in Toronto, Canada, for over 16 years. She is the founder and owner of White Lotus Integrative Medicine in Toronto, which is a clinic focused on women’s health and fertility issues.
The editors of MDLinx recently spoke with Dr. McCulloch about some of the different manifestations of PCOS and some of the steps clinicians can take in cementing a diagnosis of PCOS.