Byrdie Magazine covered my book and sent out some awareness to their readers for PCOS Awareness Month! Very thankful to them for their support in helping us increase awareness – as Byrdie is in the UK, this article helps us to get the word out across the pond, as they say. My family came from Scotland so my UK friends in the community are really important to me.
“The words polycystic ovary syndromeare Googled over 100,000 times every month. It’s no surprise the search volume is so high—PCOS is the most common hormonal disorder in women of reproductive age, though it isn’t discussed often in everyday life.
According to Dr. Fiona McCulloch, a PCOS sufferer herself, the condition affects “10% to 15% of women and upward of 7 million women in the U.S. alone.” It is the number one reason women in their 20s and early 30s experience fertility issues, she says, so it’s really a wonder we don’t talk about PCOS as much as we talk about periods, birth control, and other reproductive matters.
For as widespread and life-altering as PCOS can be, it is not entirely understood by science—at least not yet. “It is a complex syndrome, and I think one that is gaining more and more traction,” says Dr. Sara Twogood, an ob-gyn at USC.
To help those of us who didn’t attend med school get up to speed about PCOS, we consulted three specialists who know the syndrome best: McCulloch, Twogood, and Dr. Joshua J. Berger, medical director of the CHA Fertility Center in Los Angeles. If you have PCOS, think you might have it, or simply want to know more, keep reading.Read More…